MSc in Science Education and Communication in Netherlands at RUG Netherlands

University University of Groningen (RUG Netherlands)
Location: Groningen, Netherlands
Type public research
Program Type Full-time
Program Delivary On campus
Language English
Program Duration 2 years
Students 33,500
Learn more about MSc in Science Education and Communication in Groningen, Netherlands

Detailed Information of MSc in Science Education and Communication in Netherlands at University of Groningen

These are the international student eligibility for the MSc in Science Education and Communication in Netherlands

Bachelor's degree programme in Mathematics, Computing Science, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy, Engineering, or related disciplines. This is merely an indication of required background knowledge. The Admissions Board determines whether the specific contents of this/these course(s) meet the admission requirements of the master programme for which you applied.

You also need to have: Recommendation Letter, Motivation Letter, Transcripts and CV.

These are the domestic student eligibility for the MSc in Science Education and Communication

Universitair bachelordiploma in wiskunde, informatica, kunstmatige intelligentie, natuurkunde, sterrenkunde, scheikunde, biologie, farmacie, technische opleidingen, of gerelateerde disciplines.

De masteropleiding Educatie en Communicatie in de Bètawetenschappen is toegankelijk voor iedereen die een bachelordiploma van een bèta-opleiding heeft behaald aan een universiteit in Nederland. Omdat er een grote diversiteit is aan zulke opleidingen zal de toelatingscommissie altijd beslissen over toelating.

In sommige gevallen kan het zijn dat je voor de educatierichting nog extra vakken moet doen om te beschikken over voldoende (brede) kennis. Daarom is altijd een toelatingsverzoek nodig voor de educatierichting; de toelatingscommissie beslist over welke aanvullende vakken vereist zijn.

Informatie over mogelijke toelating na HBO vind je op:

Voor het volgen van de lerarenopleidingsvariant (Track Educatie) kunnen aanvullende eisen worden gesteld, te bepalen door de toelatingscommissie.

You also need to have: Recommendation Letter, Motivation Letter, Transcripts and CV.

These are the test eligibilities for the MSc in Science Education and Communication to qualify.

The English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements for MSc in Science Education and Communication in Netherlands: are:

N.B: ELP is not mandatory for all international students. You could apply without ELP if your previous degree's medium of instruction were in English. Students of Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia, for example, are not required to take the ELP test.

The international student tuition fees and costs for MSc in Science Education and Communication in Netherlands.

Items Costs
Living Cost €7,200.00/year
Student Earning €7,680.00/year
You will earn €7,680.00/year by working 16 hours * 4 Weeks* 12 months* 10 euro/hour + None at minimum wage of €10.00/hour.

The domestic student tuition fees and costs for MSc in Science Education and Communication in Netherlands.

Items Costs
Living Cost €7,200.00/year
Student Earning €7,680.00/year
This is just an estimate. You don't have any work hour limit. You will earn €7,680.00/year by working 16 hours * 4 Weeks* 12 months* 10 euro/hour + None at minimum wage of €10.00/hour.
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