Scholarships for masters and training courses offer you the chance to pursue a one-year specialized master’s degree program or a 4-to-6-month advanced training course within a higher education institution of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Belgium. The ARES grant in Belgium is for international students who want to study specialized program and apply their knowledge to the development of their own country
Application Requirement for ARES grant in Belgium
Applying for an ARES grant is totally free. ARES does not charge fees at any stage of the application nor selection process. You may inform us via e-mail at of any problems with individuals or companies who claim to represent ARES and request any payment.
For a request to be valid, the applicant must:
- Be residing and working in her/his country of origin when she/he applies;
- Be under the age of 40 for degree programs, and under 45 for training courses, at the time the training is scheduled to begin;
- Have earned a diploma comparable to a graduate-level diploma from Belgian university studies. Nevertheless, for certain training courses, different requirements may be requested, which will be specified below;
- Possess relevant professional experience in a developing country of at least two years after graduate studies, or of three years after their studies if the applicant has earned a post-grad degree from a university in an industrialized country;
- Have a good mastery of written and spoken French. For training courses held in another language, it is essential to have a proper level in the course’s language, both written and spoken. We shall insist that the applicant commit to learning French in order to take part in daily life in Belgium;
- Apply for only one training course.
Applicants should not obtain prior admission to one of the Francophone universities in Belgium in order to be considered for ARES grants.
Judgment of the academic quality of applicants will be based on:
- diplomas and lists of coursework completed with results
- teaching activities,
- research and publications.
Eligible Programs for ARES grant in Belgium
Specialized Masters Programs:
- Master de spécialisation en développement, environnement et sociétés
- Master de spécialisation en droits de l'homme
- Master de spécialisation en gestion des ressources aquatiques et aquaculture
- Master de spécialisation en gestion des risques et des catastrophes
- Master de spécialisation en gestion intégrée des risques sanitaires dans les pays du Sud (GIRISS)
- Specialized Master in International and development Economics
- Master de spécialisation en médecine transfusionnelle
- Specialized Master in Microfinance
- Master de spécialisation en production intégrée et préservation des ressources naturelles en milieu urbain et péri-urbain
- Specialized Master in Public Health Methodology
- Master de spécialisation en sciences de la santé publique - méthodes de recherche appliquées à la santé globale
- Master de spécialisation en sciences et gestion de l'environnement dans les pays en développement
- Master de spécialisation en transport et logistique
Training Programs:
- Stage en contrôle et assurance qualité des médicaments et produits de santé
- Stage en système d'information géographique
- Stage méthodologique en appui à l'innovation en agriculture familiale
- Stage d'initiation à la recherche pour le renforcement des systèmes de santé
The benefits of the ARES grant in Belgium are:
- International travel costs
- Living allowance
- Indirect mission fees
- Arrival allowance, tuition, and return fees
- Registration fees
- Insurance fees
- Travel costs that are part of inter-university training
Eligible Nationalities
Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia (only for training courses in English), Haiti, Madagascar, Morocco, Niger, Peru, the Philippines, DR Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, and Vietnam