Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration in Canada at SMU

University Saint Mary’s University (SMU)
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Type Public
Program Type Full-time
Program Delivary On campus
Language English
Program Duration 4 Years
Students 7,000
Learn more about Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Detailed Information of Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration in Canada at Saint Mary’s University

Program Overview for Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration in Canada:

The St. Mary's Computer Science and Business Administration program is a four-year interdisciplinary degree that combines computer science courses taught in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science with a series of courses taught in the Sobe Business School.

This program is designed to meet the growing demand for individuals who have a solid understanding of computer science and technology and understand the application of this technology to business problems. To apply for this specialty, students should consult the Computer Science Coordinator in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

College or university?

University computer science and business administration courses usually teach the required computer language and business principles during lectures. At St. Mary’s College, we go further: our students learn these skills and the basic principles of connecting software and computer systems. This method enables our students to learn new languages ​​in their future development; it also gives them the opportunity to work in a wider range of programs and software after graduation.

The Saint Mary’s approach

The average class size for the first-grade course is 60 students per class, and the senior grade course is 10-20. Our students and teachers and each other have established a relaxed connection. This supportive atmosphere encourages students to diversify their education through study abroad, collaboration, or undergraduate research opportunities. Our students also regularly participate in regional computer programming "hackathons" and business case contests; These experiences are highly valued by future employers.

Sample courses offered:

  • Database programming
  • Communications, Networks, and Security
  • Strategic Management
  • Web information systems
  • Small business consultancy

Future career opportunities:

  • Systems analyst
  • IT consultant
  • Website developer
  • Software engineer or developer
  • Information security officer
  • IT Project Management.

These are the international student eligibility for the Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration in Canada

Completion of Grade 12 or High School Equivalent. See country specific Informations

Country Admission Requirements

Baccalauria, Minimum 7/10 average and no mark below 6/10.

Test of English: required. 

Albania Maturity Certificate. Minimum 70% average and no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
Algeria Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire. Minimum 10/20 average with no mark below 8/20. Test of English: required. 
Angola Ensino Geral Certificado de Habilitações (Secondary School Leaving Certificate). Minimum 10/20 average with no mark below 8/20. Test of English: required. 
Anguilla CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
Antigua and Barbuda CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required.
Argentina Bachillerato. A minimum average of 7 with no mark below 6. Test of English: required.  
Armenia Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education. Grades of 3 or better are required. Test of English: required. 
Austria Reifeprufungzeugnis (“Matura”/Reifezeugnis). A minimum average of 3 with no mark below 4. Test of English: required. 
Azerbaijan Certificate of Complete Secondary Education. A minimum average of 70% with no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
Bahamas Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE). Students can apply for admission with completed BGCSE results. Students who are currently in secondary school can apply with a Grade 12 academic transcript and predicted BGCSE results from their school. Predicted BGCSE grades of C or better are required. Test of English: not required.
Bahrain General Secondary School Certificate. Minimum 70% average and no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificate /Intermediate Certificate - with grades of A, B and C
Polytechnic diplomas - with grades of A, B and C
Test of English language proficiency: May be required
Barbados Caribbean Examinations Council
CXC - CSEC results of I, II, III
CXC-CAPE results of I, II, III
Test of English language proficiency: Not required
Belarus Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanji. Minimum 7/10 average and no mark below 6/10. Test of English: required. 
Belgium Certificat d’Engseignement Secondaire Supérieur/Diploma Secundair Onderwijs/Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterricts. Minimum 10/20 average and no mark below 8/20. Test of English: required. 
Belize CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
Bermuda Bermuda School Diploma or High School Diploma. Minimum 70% average with no mark below 60%. Test of English: not required.
Bhutan Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (BHSEC). Students can apply for admission with second division results and higher in Class X and XI marksheets and predicted Class XII (+2) results (if available). Test of English: required. 
Botswana Completion of GCSE/IGCSE/BGCSE O levels or with a combination of O levels and predicted or completed AS/A levels. We may offer advanced standing credit toward your degree with final A level results of A, B or C. Test of English: not required. 
Brazil Certificado de Conclusao de Ensino Medio. Minimum 70% average with no mark below 60%. Test of English: required.
Brunei Completion of GCSE/IGCSE O levels or with a combination of O levels and predicted or completed A levels. We may offer advanced standing credit toward your degree with final Advanced level results of A, B or C (4 and higher). 
Cayman Islands CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
China  Senior High School (Upper Middle School) Graduation Diploma. Minimum 70% average with no mark below 60%. Test of English: required.

Bachillerato (Diploma de Bachiller) - with grades of A, B or C
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required

Dominica CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
Egypt  General Secondary School Certificate (Thanaweya A'ama) - with an overall grade of 70% or higher
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required 
England Completion of GCSE/IGCSE O levels or with a combination of O levels and predicted or completed A levels. We may offer advanced standing credit toward your degree with final Advanced level results of A, B or C (4 and higher). Test of English: not required. 
Ghana  Completed WAEC/WASSCE results. We will consider grades of C6 and higher for admission. Test of English: not required.
Guyana CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
Hong Kong  Hong Kong Certificate of Education - with grades of A, B or C
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required 
India  Students can apply for admission with second division results and higher in Class X and XI mark sheets and predicted Class XII results (if available). Test of English: may be required.
Italy  Diploma di Superamento Dell’Esame di Stato. A minimum average of 7 with no mark below 6. Test of English: required. 
Jamaica  CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required.
Japan  Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate - with grades of A, B or C or grades of 3 to 5 (max)
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required 
Jordan  Tawjihi/General Secondary Education Certificate. Minimum 70% average and no mark below 60%. Test of English: required.
Kenya Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). Mean grade of C+ with no grade below C-. Test of English: not required. 
Korea  Inmungye Kodßng (High School Diploma) - with grades of A, B or C
Kodung Academic Upper Secondary School Certificate
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required 
Kuwait  General Secondary School Leaving Certificate. Minimum 70% average and no mark below 60%. Test of English: required.
Liberia Completed WAEC/WASSCE results. We will consider grades of C6 and higher for admission. Test of English: not required. 
Malaysia  Senior High School Leaving Certificate (Certificate of Unified Examination of Malaysia)
Independent Chinese Secondary School System (MICSS) - with grades of A1/A2 (distinction) to B3/B4/B5/B6 (credit)
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) - with grades of 1 to 4 (out of 10) or
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia Vokesyenal (SPMV) - with grades of 1,2 or
3 Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) - with grades of A, B or C
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required 
Mauritius Bachillerato. Minimum average of 70% with no mark below 60%. Test of English: required.
Mexico  Secondary School Certificate (Bachillerata) - with grades of A, B or C or 65% or higher or 0-10 with 7 being acceptable
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required 
Nepal Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and Senior Secondary Certificate (SSC). Second division results and higher in Class X and XI marksheets and predicted Class XII (+2) results (if available). Test of English: required. 
Nigeria  Completed WAEC/WASSCE results. We will consider grades of C6 and higher for admission. Test of English: not required.
Oman Secondary School Leaving Certificate. Minimum 70% average and no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
Pakistan  Intermediate/Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC). Minimum of 60% average and no individual result below 50%. Test of English: required.  
Panama Diploma de Educación Media/Bachillerato. A minimum average of 70% with no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
Philippines Senior High School Diploma (K-12 System). Minimum 70% average with no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
Qatar General Secondary Education Certificate/Senior School Certificate. Minimum 70% average and no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
Russia  Admission to University level studies from high school
Attestato Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem Obrazovanii
Grades of 3-5
Admission to University level studies from University
Bakalavr: 4 years length
Grades of 3-5
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required 
Saudi Arabia  Tawjihiyya (General Secondary Education Certificate - GSEC) - with grades of A, B or C
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required 
Sierra Leone Completed WAEC/WASSCE results. We will consider grades of C6 and higher for admission. Test of English: not required. 
Singapore  Singapore/Cambridge GCE O level: Grade 1-6
Singapore/Cambridge GCE A-level:
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required
Sri Lanka Completion of GCSE/IGCSE O levels or with a combination of O levels and predicted or completed AS/A levels. We may offer advanced standing credit toward your degree with final Advanced level results of A, B or C. Test of English: required. 
St. Kitts and Nevis CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
St. Lucia CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
Suriname CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
Syria Secondary School Education Certificate. Minimum 70% average and no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
Taiwan  Senior High School Leaving Certificate - with grades of A, B or C
Test of English language proficiency: Will be required 
Tanzania Completion of CSE O levels or with a combination of O levels and predicted or completed A levels. We may offer advanced standing credit toward your degree with final Advanced level results of A, B or C. Test of English: not required. 
Thailand Matayom 6/Certificate of Secondary Education. Minimum average of 70% (C) with no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
The British Virgin Islands CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
The Gambia  Completed WAEC/WASSCE results. We will consider grades of C6 and higher for admission. Test of English: not required.
Trinidad & Tobago  CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required.
Turkey  General High School Education/Lise Bitirme Diplomasi. Minimum 7 average and no mark below 6. Test of English: required.
Turks and Caicos CSEC results of I, II or III and/or CAPE results of I - V. Credit awarded for CAPE Unit 2 results of I, II or III. Test of English: not required. 
Uganda Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE)/Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE). Completion of CSE O levels or with a combination of UCE and UACE results. We will consider grades of D1-C4. Test pf English: not required. 
United Arab Emirates  Secondary School Certificate (Tawjihiyya) - with grades of A, B or C
Test of English language proficiency: May be required 
United Kingdom Completion of GCSE/IGCSE O levels or with a combination of O levels and predicted or completed A levels. We may offer advanced standing credit toward your degree with final Advanced level results of A, B or C (4 and higher). Test of English: not required. 
United States of America Grades of C (70%) or higher in minimum college preparatory level subjects. We will award advanced standing credit for AP results of 3 or better. Test of English: not required. 
Vietnam  Upper Secondary School Certificate/Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong. Minimum 7 average with no mark below 6. Test of English: required.
Yemen General Secondary Education Certificate. Minimum 70% average and no mark below 60%. Test of English: required. 
Zambia Completion of GCSE/IGCSE O levels or with a combination of O levels and predicted or completed A levels. We may offer advanced standing credit toward your degree with final Advanced level results of A, B or C (4 and higher). Test of English: not required. 
Zimbabwe Completion of GCSE/IGCSE/ZIMSEC O levels or with a combination of O levels and predicted or completed AS/A levels. We may offer advanced standing credit toward your degree with final A level results of A, B or C. Test of English: not required. 

N.B: Most universities have specific international admission requirements based on different education systems.

These are the domestic student eligibility for the Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration

Early admission will be given to students who:

  • have a final overall grade 11 average of 70%;
  • have a minimum grade of 70% in each individual grade 11 course that corresponds to the five grade 12 courses required for admission to their program of choice; and
  • are registered for grade 12 courses that satisfy the admission requirements for their program of choice.

Early admission and early scholarships will be awarded to students who:

  • have a final overall average of 80% or higher in grade 11;
  • have a minimum overall average of 80% in the five program-specific corresponding grade 11 courses with no individual mark less than 70%; and
  • are registered for grade 12 courses that satisfy the admission requirements for their program of choice.

Find admission requirements by provinces.

IB Diploma:

If you are currently enrolled in the IB Diploma, you can apply to Saint Mary’s with your anticipated or predicted results. For undergraduate admission, we require a minimum IB Diploma score of 24 with grades of 3 and above in pre-requisite subjects.

An IB Diploma score of 28 and above will qualify you for our renewable entrance scholarships. A final score of 30 and above will grant you 30 credit hours toward your degree program which is usually equivalent to one full year of study.

If you are completing Higher Level Diploma courses and achieve final grades of 5, 6, or 7, you will be eligible to receive up to 18 credit hours toward your degree program at Saint Mary’s. The Admissions Office will also add one bonus point to your scholarship average for each of your IB Higher Level classes. Check out our IB Equivalency Chart to view the IB Higher Level course equivalencies at Saint Mary's University.

These are the test eligibilities for the Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration to qualify.

The English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements for Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration in Canada: are:

N.B: ELP is not mandatory for all international students. You could apply without ELP if your previous degree's medium of instruction were in English. Students of Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia, for example, are not required to take the ELP test.

The scholarships available for the Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration are:

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Students accepted by Saint Mary’s University for undergraduate studies with an admission average o…

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Must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents who recently graduated from high school.

The international student tuition fees and costs for Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration in Canada.

Items Costs
Application Fees CA$40.00
Tuition Fees Click Tuition fee
Living Cost $10,800.00/year
Student Earning CA$16,064.00/year
You will earn CA$16,064.00/year by working (20h/week * 4 weeks * 8 months * CAD 12.55/h) + (40h/week * 4 weeks * 4 months * CAD 12.55/h) at minimum wage of CA$12.55/hour.

The domestic student tuition fees and costs for Bachelor of Commerce in Computing Science and Business Administration in Canada.

Items Costs
Application Fees CA$40.00
Tuition Fees Click Tuition fee
Living Cost $10,800.00/year
Student Earning CA$16,064.00/year
This is just an estimate. You don't have any work hour limit. You will earn CA$16,064.00/year by working (20h/week * 4 weeks * 8 months * CAD 12.55/h) + (40h/week * 4 weeks * 4 months * CAD 12.55/h) at minimum wage of CA$12.55/hour.
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